Tracking More Than Just Time

If your company is currently using a manual time stamp system to record the hours worked by your employees, then you may want to think about switching up to a web-based timesheet system.  Besides reducing the complexity and overhead associated with manually recording time stamps, online-based timesheet recording reduces errors associated with recording people’s hours.  The end result is that you save yourself and your company time, money, and unnecessary aggravation.

Let’s spend a moment looking at the online timesheet company known as On-Time Web.  Basing their entire system around creating timesheet recording that works for your company, On-Time Web has the potential to save you and your company big.  This includes streamlining how paid time off is tracked, tracking time off requests, and tracking employee location.

Tracking Employee Leave Time

Tracking employee leave time is a feature that On-Time Web can do very well.  Creating a product that is easily implemented and installed across a company, On-Time Web can easily track employee leave.  Using the leave adjustment feature, leave time can be added or subtracted from existing employee leave time.  When time is used, the amount is subtracted from the employee’s balance for that leave code.  Given the supervisor approval process, leave time never accidentally slips by.  Whether input by the employee or on behalf of the employee through human resources, tracking leave has never been easier to do then when it is done through software.

Tracking Time Off Requests

Time off requests can be complicated to navigate.  This is especially true when more than one individual is looking to take time off.  Individual employee requests can be input into the On-Time Web system.  The person in charge of employees can sift through this information to see if there are any conflicting leave requests on the built-in company calendar.  By using this information, the company can take proactive steps to ensure that leaves do not cross over one another if the employees are needed.

Tracking Employee Location

Sometimes knowing where your employees are is important and beneficial.  The On-Time Web mobile app uses GPS technology to pinpoint exactly where the employee was when they made a time entry.  Using a web browser or the OT1000 Time Clock to make time entries, it uses GeoIP tracking, which will show the city and state in which the entry was made.  No matter the device used, knowing that your employees are where they are supposed to be protects the company and saves time and money.

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