Be Successful with a remote workforce

On-Time Web, a great tool for remote workers!

Now that we have been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic for over 12-months, almost everyone has come to the conclusion that you can run a successful business with a remote workforce.  Some companies have been doing this for years, while others have been thrust into the remote workforce world.

Success with remote workers has and will always hinge on managing your employees effectively. To do this, there are some tools that can help you manage the workforce and bring peace of mind to management.

On-Time Web can provide that peace of mind while providing a vital service of accurately tracking time and attendance. Let’s look at five aspects of On-Time Web that can help.

Free mobile app

On-Time Mobile is a free application that can work with both Android or iPhones to collect time. These fully functioning apps allow for remote time entry in either punch or sheet mode. It is basically carrying your own personal timeclock in your pocket.

It also allows for additional functionality such as requesting leave time, reporting, and even expense tracking with the expense tracking option.

Supervisor employee punches

If you have a workforce that works as a part of a work crew and not everyone has a cell phone, On-Time Web Mobile app also has an answer. The app gives your supervisor the ability to manage the time for the employees in his supervisor group. All the supervisor has to do is to open the list of his employees and check the ones that are present and then click and record their punch. The app will then make time entries for all the employees selected.

Punch location tracking

Knowing where your employees are is important with a remote workforce. On-Time Web Mobile utilizes Geo Location technology to pinpoint where a specific punch is made. This will ensure that you know where the employee punched in or out.


takes this one step further and allows you to set specific parameters to only allow their punches within a geofence location. This way they have to be within the geofence in order to make their punches.

Geo-Fence monitoring

You can also turn on geo fence monitoring which will tell you if an employee leaves or enters a geo-fence area.

For example, a person gets to their worksite in time and clocks in, then decides to slip out to McDonald’s to grab breakfast. You will receive an email letting you know that the employee has left the geofence and when they return to it.

Working remotely is here to stay. The benefits are too valuable. It helps cut the cost of office space and overhead drastically from the traditional brick and mortar model. It can mean the difference between staying competitive in today’s economy or going the way of the dinosaur.

Let On-Time Web help with the transition.  Try On-Time Web and On-Time Web Mobile for free.

Click here to sign up for a 14-day free trial today!

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